Even though the pilgrimage is over for most of us - though a few from our group remain in Nepal - I wanted to post a few more pictures and descriptions of events.
Khandro Ten'dzin Drölkar couldn't go back to Yang-lé-shöd because of the strike so she and Ten'dzin Wangyal appeared at our door somewhere around 7:30am. This time we were both in our underwear so we hustled into our clothes while they waited with Mé-sèl and Bar-ché outside the door. This time they hadn't brought breakfast but parting gifts for us all: bu-ré and other fabrics. There was even something for Pema Zangmo to take home to 'ö-Nyi. It was kind of a bittersweet occasion because Pema Zangmo probably won't be coming back to Nepal so she and Khandro Ten'dzin Drölkar may never meet again in their current lives. A whole bunch of picture-taking ensued but I don't seem to have any.

After this, Jomo Samp'hel arrived with Lama Tséring. Bar-ché went to fetch them in a taxi. We set up chairs outside in the guest house courtyard and watched as they sat and talked with Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. There were a lot of us, and the guest house courtyard is flat, so most of us could not see or hear all that much, but it was nice to be there for the occasion anyway. Here are some more pictures.

We each got a chance to present a katag, which took some time since there were so many of us. Rinpoche presented Jomo Samp'hel with a copy of 'Wisdom Eccentrics' which was sort of a surreal moment (two worlds coming together), and eventually momos were procured from the Double Dorjee for the hosts and guests. Apparently the whole conversation was taped so eventually those of us who couldn't hear (and those of you who weren't there) can find out what was said.
Khandro Ten'dzin Drölkar couldn't go back to Yang-lé-shöd because of the strike so she and Ten'dzin Wangyal appeared at our door somewhere around 7:30am. This time we were both in our underwear so we hustled into our clothes while they waited with Mé-sèl and Bar-ché outside the door. This time they hadn't brought breakfast but parting gifts for us all: bu-ré and other fabrics. There was even something for Pema Zangmo to take home to 'ö-Nyi. It was kind of a bittersweet occasion because Pema Zangmo probably won't be coming back to Nepal so she and Khandro Ten'dzin Drölkar may never meet again in their current lives. A whole bunch of picture-taking ensued but I don't seem to have any.
After this, Jomo Samp'hel arrived with Lama Tséring. Bar-ché went to fetch them in a taxi. We set up chairs outside in the guest house courtyard and watched as they sat and talked with Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. There were a lot of us, and the guest house courtyard is flat, so most of us could not see or hear all that much, but it was nice to be there for the occasion anyway. Here are some more pictures.
We each got a chance to present a katag, which took some time since there were so many of us. Rinpoche presented Jomo Samp'hel with a copy of 'Wisdom Eccentrics' which was sort of a surreal moment (two worlds coming together), and eventually momos were procured from the Double Dorjee for the hosts and guests. Apparently the whole conversation was taped so eventually those of us who couldn't hear (and those of you who weren't there) can find out what was said.