These are (excellent) vegetable pokhoras or however you spell it at the Garden Kitchen restaurant, just a few steps from the Valley Guest House.

Fried spinach at the same place, sorry for out-of-focusness.

Bees in the jam pot at the Nir Toast Bakery where I had an actual fruit salad and lived to tell the tale. Also passable black coffee.

Lily's Hello Kitty bathrobe. I can't seem to rotate it to the correct orientation.

Maria's new friend.

Hello kitten.

Fantastic huge burl wood bowls from Bhutan. They were about 24" in diameter (well, Pema Zangmo says 32 and I say 18 so 24 is a compromise). Yours for $800.

More huge beautiful bowls of indeterminate but surprisingly large size.

Interesting conches. Conchs?

Pema Zangmo in the guest house courtyard.

Actually nobody requested some of these, I just felt like posting them. I'm sitting outside listening to the rumble of the hotel's generator (we're having another scheduled power cut) waiting for Rang-rig and Felice to arrive fresh (more likely somewhat wilted) from Brooklyn.
Bar-ché and Mé-sèl arrived yesterday and Bar-ché greeted some of the hotel staff by picking them up and carrying them around the lobby.
Sanjay, the shoeshine boy from several pilgrimages ago has now turned into a shoeshine young man and appeared to be in charge of several shoeshine boys. He sends his greetings to Art.
Cool pix, Ngakma-la. Keep 'em comin'!
Yeah! Great stuff!
Regarding the "passable" coffee, I assume Rinpoche will arrive "holding" something a little less gray, a little more black.
Rang-rig has arrived with shiny black beans (Felice was with him too).
How about some pix of the guesthouse (inside and out)?
If you see a giant pointsettia plant, do take photo. In Nepal I saw a poinsettia the size of a tree in '95. So cool.
Maybe that last photo was a poinsettia. I thought it was a rhododendron but I dunno. It was pretty big.
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