Last night I kept sleeping and waking up and not knowing which was which and there was all this color and elaborate forms like walking through a crowded sculpture garden where everything was made of multicolored bits of metal and wood in irregular complicated shapes. I would think or dream something like an ordinary scene and as I looked at it, it seemed to scintillate into all different small colorful irregular shapes like beads or shards of glass or flower petals, moving and changing, fast and slow, in infinitely variegated intricate patterns in every color, all night long.
Location:still occupying Bodha
Your devotion is inspiring
(as relates to Kyabjé Chhi'med Rig'dzin Rinpoche's famed comment to the practitioner that claimed he had trouble visualizing . . . which might have been me . . .)
Perhaps you had a vision of the thig-lés, Ngakma-la.
This photo look a lot like the grid pattern on your profile--but with added coolness.
Shardrol, thanks so much for sharing this experience. It's the next best thing to "being there". Any momo eating pixs? ~ Min'gyur
Nying-tsal: yes, it's a bubble grid :)
Shadrol, thank you so much for sharing your trip. Your blog is so interesting and your pics are amazing.
Thank you, jrupert!
I'm enjoying the blog as well. Thanks! Just wondering: why do you call it "Grid Pattern?"
The colored grid pattern that appears with this comment is what I've decided will be the symbol for 'me' on the Internet. Then there is the grid pattern of the background, which contains a secret message that is the real theme of the blog. Also I really love squares.
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