Monday, December 26, 2011

blog from the big chair

Hello, I'm back in Penarth with some sort of hideous illness involving the digestive system in an unpleasant way. I guess I shouldn't have said so many times that I have guts of steel and never get digestive issues since it's obviously not true. I hope to do some retrospective blogging, plus catch up on email, when my brain unfuzzes sufficiently for more than 5 minutes of focused activity.


Mri said...

Talk care of yourself Shardrol. Thanks so much for blogging the trip. It was great to see the photos.

TGF said...

Hope you're feeling much better soon!

Min'gyur said...

Get well soon. Love the photos. Thanks so much.

Nying-tsal said...

You do not look well at well in this photo, Ngakma-la. I hope you are feeling better. Take care.

Greg said...

You look so unfortunate in that picture! I hope the NHS is taking good care of you.

A Fairbanks said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.